Four additional lightning caused fires were located since Friday evenings update, all of which have been lined and are in the mop up phase. These four fires bring the total number of lightning related fires from Thursday’s lightning storms that DFPA has responded to, up to 25 fires.
Glide Transfer Fire: Located four miles west of Glide. 1/100th acre
Stinger Gulch Fire: Located two miles northwest of Days Creek. 1/10th acre
Three Horn Fire: Located eleven miles south of Tiller. 1/100th acre
Johnny Hutch Fire: Located eight miles northeast of Tiller. 1/10th acre
DFPA crews and cooperators continue to monitor the lighting affected areas, using both aviation and ground patrols in addition to DFPA’s fire detection cameras for any additional fires.
Big Tom Folley Fire Update: The Big Tom Folley Fire, located five miles northeast of Elkton, is still the largest lightning related fire within the Douglas District and estimated to be 10 acres in size. Crews remained engaged on the fire overnight and made great progress on containing the blaze. A 10:00 a.m. update from the Incident Commander reported that fire line had been
constructed around 95% of the fire and hose lays have been installed around about half of the fire. Fallers are removing several snags within the fire area this morning that threaten fire lines and pose a safety concern to firefighters working on the incident. About 60 firefighters are assigned to the Big Tom Folley Fire Today.