Douglas Forest
Protective Association

Our Mission
is to provide the highest level of service to
safeguard life, resources, and property from
wildland fire
through practical prevention & aggressive fire suppression.
The 2025 Fire Season
Current Public Use Restriction Level: N/A
Change Effective: TBA
Debris Burning / Burn Permits
ISSUING BURNING PERMITS: At this time, burn permits are not being issued. Please check back later.
Backyard Debris Burning:
During Fire Season, all outdoor debris burns require a written burn permit from either DFPA or a local fire department. Yard debris, such as brush, leaves, grass and other natural woody materials will be permitted.
Check with DEQ for a list of prohibited materials.
Outside of fire season, backyard debris burning outside of incorporated cities is allowed without a burn permit from DFPA. Residents should still check with their local fire department as burning restrictions may vary between rural fire districts.
Backyard Debris Burn Requirements:
Trail: A fire trail MUST surround the entire pile and be clear of flammable material.
Fire tools (ex: shovel, ax, etc.)
Water source
Onsite Abled Body: minimum of 1 abled body person capable of fire suppression;
Burning MUST be attended at ALL TIMES.
These requirements MUST be met before a permit will be issued.
Please do not call for an inspection if you will not be onsite and available for the inspection.
Burn permits will NOT be issued for large piles that were constructed
with machinery or for burn barrels.
Permits will be good for ONE DAY only.
All Burn Permits MUST be completed and mopped up
within the time frame of the issued permit.
Backyard Debris Permits are FREE.
Prescribed Pasture Burning:
Controlled pasture fires help Douglas County's farmers and ranchers remove unwanted brush, invasive weeds, insects, and plant disease from their lands, thereby promoting healthy and productive grazing for livestock and wildlife. Prescribed fires also help remove excess fuel loads off of these lands, which reduces the risk of future wildfires in these areas.
Click on this link for more information about Prescribed Fire and Why We Burn.
Logging Slash:
The burning of logging slash requires a burn permit, year around. Any type of commercial tree harvest that requires excess debris to be burned constitutes logging slash and therefore requires a permit.
Logging slash MUST be registered in the smoke management program.
Registration and Burn Fees are applicable in compliance with OAR 629-048-0310.
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 477.013, 477.562, 526.016 & 526.041
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 477.013, 477.515 & 477.562
DOF 1-2019, amend filed 02/15/2019, effective 03/01/2019
DOF 2-2014, f. & cert. ef. 7-11-14
DOF 4-2007, f. 12-31-07, cert. ef. 1-1-08
To request burn permits for logging slash and/or backyard debris burns (when permitted),
please call DFPA at 541-672-6507.