A break in the weather has allowed the Douglas Forest Protective Association to reduce fire restrictions for both industrial operators and the general public. Effective Saturday, August 9th, at 12:01 a.m., the Industrial Fire Precaution Level will drop to IFPL II and the fire danger will be set at Moderate on all DFPA protected lands.
During IFPL II, the following industrial activities are prohibited between the hours of 1:00 pm and 8:00 pm:
The use of power saws, except at loading sites.
Feller-bunchers with rotary head saws.
Cable Yarding
Cutting, grinding, or welding of metal.
In addition, a fire watch of at least two hours is required during IFPL II, once work has completed for the day. Industrial landowners or public land management agencies may require a longer fire watch on the lands they own or manage.
For the general public, DFPA’s Public Use Restrictions remain in effect and all backyard debris burning remains prohibited. During a Moderate Fire Danger, the following non-industrial activities are prohibited between the hours of 1:00 pm and 8:00 pm:
The use of power saws for non-industrial purposes.
The cutting, grinding, or welding of metal for non-industrial purposes.
The cutting, trimming, or mowing of dead or dry grass. The mowing of green lawns and the culture or harvest of agricultural crops are both exempt from this requirement.
The use of power driven machinery not specifically mentioned in DFPA’s Public Use Restrictions that are used on private property for non-industrial improvements or developments.
All other fire prevention measures set under DFPA’s Public Use Restrictions remains in effect and are unchanged. Additional fire restrictions or closures may be in place through private industrial landowners or public land management agencies on the lands they own or manage.
For more information about industrial or public fire restrictions within the Douglas District, visit www.dfpa.net or call DFPA’s 24 hour information line at 541-672-0379.