During Wednesday morning’s briefing for the Days Creek Road Fire, officials with the Douglas Forest Protective Association announced that the fire was 75% contained and said that firefighters continue to make good progress towards full containment of incident. After the completion and improvement of containment lines around the fire on Tuesday, firefighters shifted their efforts to mopping up hot spots within the burned area. Crews looking for smoking or smoldering material started at the outside edge of the fire and began to work toward the center of the blaze with the objective of extinguishing all hotspots within the burned area. Two thermal imaging cameras are being used during night shift to help locate hotspots in dozer berms, stump holes, and other hard to detect areas of the fire. Resources that are no longer needed on the incident are being released back to their home unit or made available for other dispatches.

Updated mapping of the fire’s perimeter using GPS coordinates was completed Wednesday afternoon and put the final fire size of the Days Creek Road Fire at 25 acres.
DFPA would like to thank all the cooperating agencies, industrial landowners, and contractors who helped with suppression efforts on the Days Creek Road Fire. This will be the last update unless something significant changes with the incident.